Interview with Hadiza Lawal of wovenblends

When did you first realise our love for fashion? 

I do not recall when I first realised my love for fashion. However, I will go off when I became conscious about my outside appearance. Although my appearance is not exactly fashion, it is my style. But in my own opinion, a persons style attracts the kind of fashion they admire in the media and other sources. I guess that's good enough reason to love fashion.

How long have you been involved in fashion? 

In all honesty, I do not think I am involved in fashion. I just think my style is unique and stands out on its own in its simplest form. 

What are you favourite fashion items and why? 

This is weird, but as an individual, I do not have favourite things. My mood changes, my taste changes and I evolve constantly. I will not say something is my favourite item. There are quite a lot of things I feel strongly about. Further, I am not the materialistic kind. Therefore, although I really like something, it is not classified a favourite.

What inspires your style? 

My style inspiration spurs from a variety of things. Sometimes, my style is inspired by my mood at the time or with the weather on a particular day. My style is also inspired mostly by comfort. If I am not comfortable or confident in what I wear, you'll never catch me dead in it just because it is "trending".

Whose style has influenced you most? 

Hmnnnn ... let's see. I don't think anyone. I am not easily influenced, takes a lot to do so. I mean, I admire peoples courage and their style of dressing, however, that does not change the way I dress.

When did you start blogging?

 I started about three months and a bit ago. I am relatively new in these streets.

What is your favourite thing about blogging? 

My favourite thing right now is the creativity behind my ability to incorporate food and fashion on one single platform. I think it is so interesting how much they both differ and intertwine at the same time. The constant strive to keep up artistic work is what interests me most in the business.

Who is my favourite designer? why? 

As mentioned above, I do not have favourite things. Maybe in the nearest future (laughs)

Five things I cannot live without? 

First is my thirst for God. Without obedience to his word, I am breakable. So God is definitely number one on my list.
Number two will be, i'm finding this question so hard to answer. I guess there is really nothing I cannot live without. I mean, life right now is life as I know it. I cannot picture my life without certain things. Even if I could, I would not know how it feels to live with those things. So I guess either way, it does not hurt. I am very good at adjusting to situations.

Ten years from now you will be .... 

I will say ten years from now, I will be grown. I will have made mistakes. I might have learnt from these mistakes, I maybe learning from these mistakes. But ten years from now, I see myself as a career woman with a family. I see myself striving to be the best version of myself that I can be. I'm hoping everything falls in place from there, as long as my foundation is laid right. I am destined to be great.

instagram: @wovenblends

p:s She is gorgeous and the food she cooks always looks so damn good! 


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