Natural Hair Feature: Karina Karunwi

Who is Karina?

20 year old civil engineering student who's slightly obsessed with her hair

when did you start your natural hair journey?

Since April 2012 so 2 years, 8 months

why did you go natural?

My relaxed hair was badly heat damaged. I wanted to start over and avoid the mistakes I'd made.

what is your hair type?

The back of my hair I would say is a 4b while the front and sides are a mixture of 4a and 3c. 

style regime? 

Lazy haha. Most of the time my hair is in protective styling but when it's out (usually during the summer months) it's as little maintenance as possible. 
I try to detangle and deep condition it at least once a week, usually moisturise it every other night and put it up in a pineapple or bantu knots, a braid out, etc if im going out the following day. 
Just try to make it as simple as possible and keep manipulation to a minimum.

 favourite go to hairstyles?

havana twists
one of my wigs

 three favourite products? why?

-Inecto coconut conditioner-magic. The slip it gives my hair when detangling is unline anything else I've used and leaves it well conditioned (I wouldn't recommend the shampoo though)
-ORS hair mayonnaise for deep conditioning. So affordable, so effective.
-Oyin handmade whipped pudding-light, works great as a styler and cream.

Any hair recipes?

No original ones, no. But I do try out a few I find online depending on what's going on with my hair atm.

unusual products you use on your hair?

Mmm nope

hair inspiration?

Solange-my everything inspiration tbh lol

Dos and Dont's for your hair?

It likes water, so lots of that is a do. Especially since I dyed it in February it dries out so quick so standing an extra minute in a steamy shower without a shower cap on is awesome for it.
Do try to be more regular with deep conditions.
Do take care of my hair times I have protective styles in-especially my edges with my scalp oils mixture (castor oil, peppermint oil, argan oil and jojoba oil)
Don't over-oil. I learnt that the hard way
Don't use shampoo on it-so far every kind I've used dries it out like crazy. Instead I clean my scalp with ACV
Don't get lazy and leave protective hairstyles in for too long

what is your hair advice for other people with natural hair? 

Take time to really get to know your hair-months without braids, weaves, or any other form of protective styling pays off. Pay attention to what it likes and what it doesn't. 
Try not to play the comparison game with other girls you see who are natural.
Don't allow yourself feel like you're any better than the next girl with relaxed hair. Natural hair doesn't mean better hair. Try to keep judgement and opinions out of it.
 Most importantly, be patient with your hair journey. 

what other social media sites can we find you on?

Instagram- karinakarunwi_

Twitter- @karinakarunwi


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