21 things before 21 update

With my birthday being 18 days away I thought I would review my 21 things before 21 post and give you guys an update and see what I have achieved.

1) Make money for charity

-I ran the Bath Half in March with Oxfam and I have managed to raise £153 out of my £200 goal :) Donations are still being taken till mid April!

2) Donate to a charity

-I donated £3 to water aid on Justgiving. I will be donating more money in the future to other charities I am passionated about.

3) Start a natural hair blog

-I am going to have natural hair features on this blog as it is easier to handle one blog rather than two.

4) Make a sample menu

-I am yet to do this!

5) Type up a meal plan

- I have done a few of these and I am happy about this.

6) Meal prep consistently

- I have bought more meal prep containers and on once I get back to University I will be meal prepping every Monday and  I am very excited for this.

7) Go down to .. kg

I have gone down some kg but not at my goal weight so still working on it.

8) Clear up my instagram so delete junk

-I have deleted some junk and there is still more junk to delete.

9)Finish reading certain books

-I have not made much progress there! I have not managed to finish any of the books I started reading this year.

10) Write in my journal everyday

- Not everyday but some days.

11) Start a YouTube Channel

- I haven't made any progress with that yet. I just got a new Canon with video recording so I will be working on that :)

12) Start my own radio show

-No progress with that at all.

13) Have another dinner and cook everything

-I had an indoor picnic with one my friends from secondary school in February. Not a dinner but I did cook everything :) and even typed up a menu.

14) Buy Vegetables and Fruit every two weeks only

-I will be working on this when Easter holidays are over.

15) Go to the gym religiously

-I have not been going religiously :/ when the Easter holidays are over and I am back in Uni I will be.

16) Do the photo a day challenge

-No progress. I am going to start today.

17) A blogpost every Wednesday or Friday

-I  am not sure what days I post but I post quite consistently so will continue like that.

18) Start watching Scandal

-I haven't started yet so no progress.

19) Talk less listen more

-I have done that and I am going to continue :)

20) No more procrastination- write more poetry

-I wrote a few poems in March for International Women's day and read them out at my friend Karina's event :) http://karinadelcheva.blogspot.co.uk/2015/03/i-am-woman-i-am-aramide.html
 here is a link to here lovely blog.   http://karinadelcheva.blogspot.co.uk/

21) Enjoy my 20s

I am doing this! I still have 9 years to go so :)


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